Major Decisions to be made on the Adult LO206 Class
After finding numerous local LO206 Engines altered, we will be making a decision shortly on whether to either
- Eliminate the LO206 class for the Adult Cage Karts and go to a Clone Motor for them which would be 100% Pre-Inspected and Sealed
- Allow LO206 with pre-inspection with the upper end sealed as well. (similar to what we already do with our Clone Motors with an inspection fee)
- Have random track tear down (outside the briggs factory seals) & send the engine home in a box. (Any Alterations of a LO206 Engine will result in loss of points for the season)
Click the link to view the 2017 LO 206 Rules:
Please look at Section 19.
In hind sight I wish there wasn’t any cheating & that deeper inspections were feasible week in and week out, but racing is a competitive sport and everybody is looking for an advantage. A decision will be made on the 2018 LO206 season in the next few weeks.
Here are just a few issues we found this year:
NOT CORRECT – Should be Casted RT-1
CORRECT – Casted RT-1
WRONG – Head Milled below minimum of Shallow end of combustion chamber
CORRECT – Above minimum Shallow End Thickness
WRONG – Floor Depth Minimum .341 exceeded
CORRECT- Above Minimum Floor Depth
WRONG- Does Not have the Briggs and Stratton Stamp. Incorrect Rocker Ratio
CORRECT- Briggs and Stratton Stamped, Unaltered, and correct rocker ratio