Reminder for new drivers: RaceCeivers & Transponder Pouches are required
Since there are a lot of new drivers this year, we want to make sure everyone knows a few items that are required at our track. Unless you own your own Westhold Transponder, you must have a transponder pouch to protect our rented equipment. We have plenty of these for sale at the track for $15/each. (Transponders are a piece of equipment that provide electronic scoring).You must also have a RaceCeiver. It can be Nitrobee brand or RaceCeiver brand. You must OWN your own RaceCeiver. We do not rent them out. Sardeson Racing or Speedway Motors sell RaceCeivers. Sardeson Racing’s Phone number is 402-789-2111 or you can order from Speedway Motors at this link: RACEceiver Parts | Speedway Motors
RaceCeivers are necessary for driver safety. It allows the race director to easily communicate with drivers. Your RaceCeiver should be set to Channel 454.00. Change your battery nightly and make sure your headphones are in excellent condition. We highly recommend investing in helmet speakers.